Our Investments

Our members' monthly contributions are invested in a number of approved financial investments to generate income. These investments include government bonds and loans, term deposits with commercial banks, and offshore investments managed by the Investments Department.
The Fund’s objectives include taking on a strategic and consistent approach to managing its risks through stringent risk management and associated activities that assist in safeguarding assets and seeks to avoid potential adverse effects on the Fund’s financial performance, such as market, credit and liquidity risks. The Board and Board Audit Committee are responsible for the risk management, monitoring and reporting functions, supported by the VNPF Investment Committee and VNPF’s Internal Audit Department.
Risk management is carried out by executive management under policies approved by the Board and the approved investment policy guidelines.
According to the VNPF Investment Framework, investment must be allocated within a certain range between asset categories to ensure a safer and more secure investment portfolio, including Vatu liquidity, offshore investment, prudent diversification and minimum rates of returns on sources of investment.
The Fund’s objectives include taking on a strategic and consistent approach to managing its risks through stringent risk management and associated activities that assist in safeguarding assets and seeks to avoid potential adverse effects on the Fund’s financial performance, such as market, credit and liquidity risks. The Board and Board Audit Committee are responsible for the risk management, monitoring and reporting functions, supported by the VNPF Investment Committee and VNPF’s Internal Audit Department.
Risk management is carried out by executive management under policies approved by the Board and the approved investment policy guidelines.
According to the VNPF Investment Framework, investment must be allocated within a certain range between asset categories to ensure a safer and more secure investment portfolio, including Vatu liquidity, offshore investment, prudent diversification and minimum rates of returns on sources of investment.
PropertiesThe Vanuatu National Provident Fund (VNPF) owns many properties locally in Vanuatu, as well as overseas, which are rented out to yield rental income.
Commercial LoansVNPF has several commercial loans in place with a number of entities, each with differing terms and various rates of return.
EquityVNPF has shares in several Vanuatu-based entities across the banking, utilities, tourism, health and technology sectors.
InterestInterest income is generated from term deposits, Government bonds, foreign currency term deposits, commercial loans, collateral interest and call accounts.
SubsidiariesSubsidiaries include those companies that are 100 per cent owned by VNPF.